Writing reflection paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hezbollah(Party Of God) Terrorist organization (Lebanon) Research Paper
Hezbollah(Party Of God) Terrorist association (Lebanon) - Research Paper Example They endured the worst part of the contention between the Israeli’s and the PLO. Therefore, Hezbollah was conceived at first as an association and development intended to remove the Israel’s and their partners from southern Lebanon. There are three primary zone of Lebanon that Hezbollah can work from with relative securely. The first is the Beqaa Valley of Eastern Lebanon. This is the conventional home of most Lebanese Shia. It is an agrarian area with a high pace of destitution that outskirts Syria. Southern Lebanon flanking Israel is another zone with a high grouping of Shia Muslims and is a place of refuge for Hezbollah. The last geographic fortification of Hezbollah is the ghetto zone outside of Beirut. These ghettos developed because of the battling in southern Lebanon during the Israeli attack in the 1980’s. The organizer of Hezbollah was Sheik Subhi Tufaili. He was instructed in Iraq and there was presented to Islamic Revolution belief system as introduced by Shiite pioneers from Iran. He carried these plans to Lebanon and utilized them to pull in dissimilar Shiite bunches in Lebanon. From the joining of these gatherings, Hezbollah was conceived. Inner clashes between Subhi Tufaili caused his ouster in the mid 1990’s. Tufaili was disturbed that Hezbollah was happy to take an interest in decisions in Lebanon. Supplanting Tufaili was the current Secretary General Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. The underlying reason behind the arrangement of Hezbollah was the expulsion of Israeli soldiers from Lebanon. Shiite residents were bearing the most noticeably terrible of the battling from the setbacks in the contention between the PLO and the Israeli’s. Furnished protection from Israel and its partners was the focal point of Hezbollah from the beginning. When the Israeli’s pulled back from Lebanon, Hezbollah started to take a more nuanced purpose behind their reality. They started to introduce themselves as an Islamist bunch attempting to spread the lessons of Islam to the world. They express that they need to show the world that Islam
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Home and Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Home and Family - Essay Example The greater part of these guardians are more worried about their own lives than their youngsters. In â€Å"After Making Love We Hear Footsteps†, the caring idea of a parent can be watched. After two guardians make love their son consistently raced to stay in bed between them. Rather than tossing the kid out of their bed, the guardians greet him wholeheartedly: These guardians show their youngster love by tolerating them into their extremely private bed. This youngster is the focal point of the universe for his folks. Not at all like different models that will be later given, this kid will grow up to be certain and composed. As will be introduced, this circumstance is a one of a kind and uncommon model. â€Å"Orthello†shows one normal perspective on the parent/kid relationship. Brabantio treats his girl, Desdemona, similar to his own property. Desdemona implies as a lot to Brabantio as his gold. The accompanying section shows this feeling: Brabantio just thought about what Desdemona could accomplish for him by wedding rich, than treating her affectionately. Desdemona was unquestionably on Brabantio’s fringe vision, until she destroyed his arrangements by wedding Orthello. other. After the dad is laid off, he rejoices in light of others’ setback. At whatever point a fire engine can be heard, the dad takes is family out to watch the flames. The youngster just realizes that he gets consideration by his in any case involved dad. He tells: In spite of the enduring of the family whose house consumed, the dad feels supported in light of the fact that at any rate he despite everything has a house. The kid is torn up to see his father’s debilitated fixation. The parent is going down his own issues to the kid. The dad could have handily gone to the flames alone. It would have been quicker than taking a spouse and five kids along. The dad needed a crowd of people, much the same as the spouse went to keep harmony. That is the thing that the spouse needed to achieve; harmony. She felt
Friday, August 14, 2020
A Study of Tradition 2 - The 12 Traditions of A.A.
A Study of Tradition 2 - The 12 Traditions of A.A. More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use In 12-step groups, there is no such thing as individual authority. No one member directs or controls the actions of the other members of the group. Tradition 2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. Group decisions are just that, group decisions. After a discussion of all aspects of a given situation, including the minority opinion, the group votes on the issue and an agreement is reached with the majority vote. This vote is called a group conscience. Each group is a fellowship of equals. No matter what an individual members background, education, or professional expertise, no member has authority over the group. In this way, the fellowship reaches out to all who would seek its comfort and provides the atmosphere of a sense of belonging to all members. But there are leaders... This tradition has been misquoted many times as we have no leaders. But it clearly states that each group does have its leaders, they just have no authority over the rest of the group. Whether they be the groups representative to the area or district, or the secretary or treasurer, they have been entrusted with the responsibility to serve the group, not make decisions for it. Groups clearly have other leaders also. There are those, who by sharing their wisdom and strength in the meetings, who are quietly recognized by the group as spiritual leaders. There are those members, who are so well-founded in the principles and traditions of the program, the group turns to when questions arise involving possible violations of those principles and traditions. These too are leaders, but they do not govern either. Here are the stories of visitors to this site who have shared their experience with tradition 2: A Sense of Belonging Before I came into Al-Anon I never really felt that I belonged to any group. No matter what committee, board of directors, steering committee, or whatever group I was a member of, I always had this feeling that everybody else belonged there, but I was somehow just visitingâ€"or intruding even. To compensate for my low self-esteem, I usually overcompensated. I always had to be the one who sold the most tickets, raised the most money, volunteered the most time or whatever. This was my way of trying to get to the point where my membership in the group was justified. So that I would feel that I was truly a part of the team. But, it never really worked. It was in Al-Anon that I learned the concept that the meeting did not belong to anyone, except those who showed up and participated. There was nobody who ran things. Nobody was in charge. Our leaders were but trusted servants, they did not govern. As I kept coming back to the various meetings, I discovered that Al-Anon really meant what it said. Every meeting I ever attended was just as much my meeting as it was anyones. It took a while to sink in, but I finally got that sense of belonging and it has carried over to other areas of my life. I now know that just by being a member and showing up and participating, I am just as much a part of the group as the oldest old-timer. And my opinions are given just as much consideration, and are just as welcome, as anyones in group discussions. Wendy A Group Conscience as Necessary It was one of those memorable meetings that we are sometimes privileged to attend. In Australia, people do not volunteer to speak at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting but are called by name or are pointed to by the chairperson. A few pass by simply saying that they will just identify with their name and the fact that they are an alcoholic, but most come up to the front and have a go at sharing. The person in the chair was an Aussie bloke who called mostly males only to speak. After the first few men spoke the females were getting restless after the next few guys spoke, some of the women got really agitated, and then after a few more mostly male calls, one of the women literally exploded. She stood up and shouted No! Thats it, you sexist pig! Are we invisible? Not worth hearing? Our chairperson said: Look, Im in the chair and Ill call whoever I am moved to pick and it isnt you so sit down and respect the meeting! Uh, oh! Not exactly the right thing to say to this feminist former street person in recovery! In her wrath, she made a beeline for the chairperson with obvious homicidal intent! Others cheered or jeered as pandemonium erupted. An old-timer jumped up, raised hands high and yelled Group Conscience, Group Conscience... like a chant. A few others picked up the chant and a momentary silence fell. Tradition two on the banner there indicates that I was a member of this group can call for a Group Conscience meeting at any time and I call for one right now! The woman was asked: Please state your case to us all. She did. She said that fairness required that women speakers alternate with men until the females had all had a chance to either pass or speak. The man in the chair was then asked to please state his case. He said that he had determined that there were five times more men in the room than women so he thought that it would be fair to call on women one-fifth of the time. Others were asked for any other comments. There were a few more women who felt slighted and only one friend of the chairman who agreed with him. A moment of silent reflection was called for, to ask our respective higher powers to guide us in voting and then all were asked to close their eyes except for the aggrieved woman and the chairman who would together count the raised hands for each method. The womans boy-girl alternative method was obviously overwhelmingly approved and we all settled down for a lovely second part of the meeting. Its not the first time I have seen a Group Conscience called for during a meeting but it was the most dramatic. Aussie Chuck Back to The Twelve Traditions Study
Sunday, May 24, 2020
What Are Some Free C and C Compilers
Compilers convert instructions written in a programming language to machine code that can be read by computers. If youre interested in learning to program in C or C, youll find this list of free compilers handy. Most of These ​Compilers ​Handle Both C and C Microsoft Windows SDK. This free SDK is for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4. It provides compilers, tools libraries, code samples and a help system for developers.Turbo C for Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10. The .NET Framework is required for Windows 7, Vista and XP, but there is no pre-requirement for more recent Windows versions. GCC is the classic open source C compiler for Linux and many other operating systems (including Windows under Cygwin or Ming). This project has been around forever and provides excellent open source quality software. It doesnt come with an IDE, but there are loads out there.Digital Mars C/C Compiler. The company offers several free compiler packages. Xcode is for Apples Mac OSX operating system and its version of GCC. It has excellent documentation and SDKs for Mac and iPhone. If you have a Mac, this is what you use.Portable C Compiler. This was developed from one of the earliest C Compilers. At the start of the 80s, most C compilers were based on it. Portability was designed into it from the start.Failsafe C. A Japanese project from the Research Team for Software Security at the Research Center for Information Security, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, this version of C for Linux supports over 500 functions (not C99 or Widechar). It provides complete protection against memory block over-boundary accesses making it as safe as Java and C#.Pelles C is a free development kit for Windows and Windows Mobile containing an optimizing C compiler, a macro assembler, a linker, a resource compiler, a message compiler, a make utility and installs builders for both Windows and Windows Mobile. It also has an IDE with project management, debugger, source code editor and resource editors for dialogs, menus, string tables, accelerator tables, bitmaps, icons, cursors, animated cursors, animation videos, versions, and XP manifests.Borland C 5.5 compiler is a blazingly fast 32-bit optimizing compiler. It i ncludes the latest ANSI/ISO C language support including the Standard Template Library framework and C template support and the complete Borland C/C Runtime Library. Also included in the free download are the Borland C/C command line tools such as the high-performance Borland linker and resource compiler.nesC is an extension to the C programming language designed to embody the structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS. TinyOS is an event-driven operating system designed for sensor network nodes that have very limited resources (e.g., 8K bytes of program memory, 512 bytes of RAM).Orange C. Orange C/C supports C standards through C11 and C 11. The IDE is full-featured and includes a colorizing editor. This compiler runs on WIN32 and DOS. It generates 32-bit programs for both.SubC is a fast, simple public domain compiler for a clean subset of the C programming language on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows platforms. Now that you have a compiler, youre ready for C and Cprogramming tutorials.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
SPE 566 Defining Behavior - 753 Words
SPE 566: Defining Behavior Assignment Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate understanding and application of basic concepts of behavior analysis. Specifically you are required to develop objective, behavioral definitions of social skills behavior avoiding subjective, mentalistic terms, and hypothetical constructs. General Information In a short answer format, you should choose any 3 of the 10 social skill behaviors for which you will provide several points of knowledge, as well as produce a well written behavioral objective. The ten social skill behaviors are: Greeting, Playing, Following Directions, Engaging in Eye Contact, Initiating a Conversation, Participating in a Conversation, Asking Questions, Sharing,†¦show more content†¦All assignments must be submitted through this link -- assignments may not be submitted via email. Grading Procedures The Defining Behavior assignment is worth 15 points total. Choose any 3 of the terms, with each term worth 5 points. Each social skills behavior will be graded according the criteria listed in the Scoring Grid below. Note: You must indicate the behavior that you are defining in order for your assignment to be reviewed and graded. Scoring Grid - Defining Behavior Assignment Please note: Do NOT include the Scoring Grid with your document. Choose any 3 of the following: Expected Content Points Earned Possible Points Greeting behavior How would you operationally define the behavior? How would you measure this behavior? Cite from your textbook. Produce a behavioral objective incuding conditions/context, critieria, target behavior and learner. 5 Playing behavior How would you operationally define the behavior? How would you measure this behavior? Cite from your textbook. Produce a behavioral objective incuding conditions/context, critieria, target behavior, and learner. 5 Following Directions How would you operationally define the behavior? How would you measure this behavior? Cite from your textbook. Produce a behavioral objective incuding conditions/context, critieria, target behavior, and learner. 5 Eye Contact How would you operationally define the behavior? How would you measure thisShow MoreRelatedMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words  | 1792 Pagespublic re- 6 port providing industrywide aggregate or average in- 7 formation to be used in assessing the overall impact 8 of PBMs on prescription drug prices and spending. 9 Such report shall not disclose the identity of a spe- 10 cific PBM, or prices charged by such PBM, or a 11 specific retailer, manufacturer, or wholesaler, or any 12 other confidential or trade secret information. (4) PENALTIES.â€â€The provisions of subsection 14 (b)(3)(C) of section
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literal Intelligence Collection Free Essays
Literal Intelligence Collection: National Intelligence and the NSA wireless intercept program Intelligence Collection: Sources and Challenges February 13, 2012 In the aftermath of 9/11 the intelligence community (IC) felt pressure from all directions. Employees of the IC, Congress, and the general public wanted questions answered as to why our nation didn’t know an attack was imminent. This â€Å"failure†of intelligence caused a shake up within the entire IC, leading to many future changes. We will write a custom essay sample on Literal Intelligence Collection or any similar topic only for you Order Now One such change was in communications intelligence (COMINT) collection. According to Cummings (2006), â€Å"President George W. Bush said that he authorized NSA to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations in the weeks following the September 11th terrorist attacks†(p. 6). The President’s decision had many repercussions. I will discuss the parameters of the decision, the management issues associated with it that lead to such controversy, and the impact it had on national intelligence and the NSA. What led to this drastic decision by the U. S. President? The United States was blind-sighted in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack which resulted in the death of 2,977 innocent Americans. This was the largest attack in the history of the U. S. on our soil and although the signs were there for the intelligence community to see, it was mistakenly not put together. Much of the attack stemmed from communications between terrorist or those connected and working with terrorist within our Country, and this was unacceptable. In order to defend against such communications, according to Lichtblau amp; Risen (2005), â€Å"Under a presidential order signed in 2002, the intelligence agency has monitored the international telephone calls and international e-mail messages of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people inside the United States without warrants over the past three years in an effort to track possible ‘dirty numbers’ linked to Al Qaeda, the officials said. The agency, they said, still seeks warrants to monitor entirely domestic communications†. The sole purpose of the NSA program was to safeguard our national security in a more expansive, efficient manner. The center on law and security (2007) states â€Å"†¦this requirement to demonstrate all of the substantive and procedural elements of FISA to the Attorney General’s satisfaction before any surveillance can begin, would fatally impair the President’s ability to carry out his constitutional responsibility to collect foreign intelligence to protect our Nation from attack†(p. 9). Any implementation involving citizen’s privacy is assured to draw controversy, and the root of the problem with this program was a management issue. The President, DCI, and the Director of the NSA should have informed the head of the Senate Select and Congressional oversight committees with a more in depth understanding of the changes and the secrecy. A plan should have been in place to deal with leaks to the public of the changes, and a more detailed description of the amendment to the policy should have been created and kept under lock and key. Intelligence collection involves many activities that citizens (lacking all of the facts), may deem unconstitutional. The problem with this is most of the time the facts are not available to the general population, media, and even certain members of the Congressional oversight committees, for fear of an operation leak. Much of what the IC does must remain secret, at least until the aftermath (which could be years later). In regards to the topic at hand, authorization of warrantless wireless intercept by the NSA, the main problem arose due to management failures in the implementation of such a controversial topic. The center on law and security (2007) states, â€Å"Critics of the NSA program do not necessarily object to the type of surveillance, but rather to the way in which it has been authorized, and to the absence of any oversight†(p. 10). The Congressional oversight committees serve as a checks and balance to the IC and the President informed the heads of the committees (Gang of Eight) of his plan to authorize wireless intercepts on Americans. Cummings (2006) states, â€Å"†¦the executive branch had limited its briefings of the legislative branch to the Gang of Eight. They further asserted that the executive branch had prohibited them from sharing any information about the program with congressional colleagues†(p. 7). In the aftermath, it seems the Gang of Eight did not understand the necessity of secrecy behind this information. The President should have explained the reasoning behind the secrecy and why the information was limited to the Gang of Eight. If the Gang of Eight understood the parameters and restrictions in place, they could better defend the plan when future problems arose. Preparations hould have been in place for dealing with the public if and when the time came that the media caught wind of the wireless intercept. At some point the President should expect that the public would have to be addressed with some details defending his actions. There should have been regulations in place, describing the limits the NSA still had to endure when it came to U. S. citizens. When reports came out in 2005, there was much confusion as to what exactly the President had authorized, and if there were limits in place for the NSA. A failure to properly address the issue allowed the media to run wild with stories, further outraging critics. Silence and secrecy only added to the problem of distrust of the IC. In preparation, President Bush should have had a detailed description of the amendment to the policy, with restrictions still in place for the NSA. This policy should have been dated at the time it went into effect, signed by the President, the DCI, the Director of NSA and the Gang of Eight and kept in the possession of the Director of the NSA. Having a signed document would serve the future purpose of showing there was knowledge of the parameters of the amended policy. If this policy had to become public (open source) at some point, it would hopefully show that Management had made an organized effort of implementing change and involved as many officials as possible under the current circumstances. The National Security Agency (NSA) has the task of protecting U. S. national security systems through the use of signal intelligence (SIGINT), to include COMINT. Prior to the President giving authorization to warrantless domestic eavesdropping following 9/11, the NSA had to obtain a court approved warrant in order to eavesdrop on a U. S. citizen’s communications, otherwise known as a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant. According to the center on law and security (2007) â€Å"FISA warrants require ‘probable cause’ to suspect that an individual is acting either for a ‘foreign power’ (including terrorist organizations) or as an ‘agent of a foreign power,’ a target (a cell phone, a computer, a BlackBerry, or a landline phone, for example), and that foreign intelligence be a ‘significant purpose’ of the warrant†(p. ). NSA is no stranger to negative public perception regarding their unconstitutional practices. This wireless intercept program put the agency’s reputation at stake once again. Reports of the NSA having access to most American’s phone records detailing their calls and communications is cause for concern for critics. Due to a lack of proper implementation, notifications and opportunity for oversight, the NSA and the IC has to climb another uphill battle to win back the trust of Americans. Dilanian (2011) states, â€Å"U. S. intelligence officials insist that the new surveillance powers have been crucial to stopping terrorist plots†. Hopefully, some of the more recent successes in the community can erase the impact of failures and the intelligence community can improve their reputation once again. References Cummings, Alfred (2006). Statutory procedures under which Congress is to be informed of U. S. intelligence activities, including covert actions: NSA domestic surveillance. Congressional Research Service Dilanian, Ken (2011). 9/11, ten years after, more surveillance; A legacy of watchful eyes; The government eavesdrops on U. S. citizens as never before. Los Angeles Times Aug 30, 2011. Tuesday Home Edition. Lichtblau, E. amp; Risen, J. (2005). Bush lets U. S. spy on callers without courts. The New York Times, Dec 16, 2005. doi: 942423341 The Center on Law and Security at the NYU school of Law (2007). The NSA wiretapping program. For The Record, 1(Jan) 1-16. How to cite Literal Intelligence Collection, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Baron Manfried Von Richtofen The Red Baron free essay sample
Baron Manfried Von Richtofen: The Red Baron Essay, Research Paper Baron Manfried Von Richtofen was the best One of World War One. With confirmed putting to deaths coming in at around 80, he is the combatant one with the most putting to deaths of all time recorded-ever. However, he started out his calling as a soldier in the trenches, non as a pilot. During the conflict of the Somme, he saw his first aeroplane fly operating expense, and was instantly aquiline. He loved everything about winging, and his grandiloquent, chesty, and some would state determined, personality, made him a quick scholar, and clever mind. His flight calling started out instead easy in the first old ages of the war, but finally took on a torrential gait, and shortly after his twentieth putting to death, he was to be called the Red Baron. This moniker can be chiefly attributed to the fact that he flew a modified Fokker DR I triplane, which he had painted ruddy, so as to galvanize the enemies that he was contending. We will write a custom essay sample on Baron Manfried Von Richtofen The Red Baron or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some say that he was like a devil when he flew, and that the existent ground he painted his plane red was to raise up images of winged deamons in his enemies # 8217 ; heads. His tactics were largely responsible for his repute, nevertheless. During the war, the Baron developed some of the most superb tactics of all time seen until so. He used methods neer earlier attempted, like faked engine flameouts, utilizing air brakes in the center of axial rotations to shorten the cringle distance, assailing from utmost angles, both above and below, and firing his guns before coming in scope to decelerate down his opposition. A pilot is no good if he doesn Ts have a plane to wing, nevertheless. And the Baron surely had a plane. His aircraft was made about wholly for him. It had arms built to his specifications, a larger engine, and was one of the lone triplane designs employed during the war. While his tactics were impressive, most of them were centered around manoeuvrability. His plane was by no means the fastest aircraft of the War, but with its particular design, it could outmanoeuvre, out-turn, and out wing most other planes flown. He put this manoeuvrability to his advantage, and it surely shows in his putting to deaths. A unkown pilot was heard stating, upon the Barons decease, # 8220 ; I hope he burned all the manner to hell. # 8221 ; Baron Manfried Von Richtofen embodies some of the best qualities of a combatant pilot yet seen. He was brave, honest, and brave, but he knew how to acquire the occupation done. His accomplishment, continuity, and tactics will most surely go down in the history books for a long clip. The Red Baron genuinely is the best one of World War One.
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